Rangoli Board 2022-23
Shreyas Ramesh
Shreyas is a second year Master’s candidate in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He is originally from Bangalore, India.
Aditya Jayant Ganapathiraju
Aditya is a Master's student in Robotics from India and absolutely loves cars!
Purvansh Jain
Purvansh is pursuing Master's in Data Science. Prior to Penn, he worked as Software Developer at ORACLE.
Lisha Bhati
Lisha is a lawyer from Delhi, India and is an LL.M. candidate at the Penn Carey Law School.
Poornima Chaturvedula
Poornima is a second-year graduate student in Mechanical engineering. She is a creative head and wants to be a part of the UN.
Charu Maheshwari
Charu is a second-year MBA student and hails from India.
Sparsh Maheshwari
Sparsh is pursuing his Master’s in Non-Profit Leadership at the School of Social Policy and Practice and loves organizing events for people to come together, have fun and build strong communities.